Title:Trapdoor spiders.
Author:Meish Golden
Who or what is the book about?
This book is mostly about Tricky Trapdoor Spiders
What you already know
Write 4-5 things you already know about the topic (write in complete sentences)
1.I know that trapdoor spiders have no backbone.
2.I know that trapdoor spiders are 2.5cm long
3.There are 120 kinds of trapdoor spiders
4.I know that trapdoor spiders have 8 eyes
5.Trapdoor spiders eat ants, beetles, cockroaches and crickets.
After Reading the book, what you learned
Write 4-5 things you learned about the topic (write in complete sentences)
1.I learned that trapdoor spiders have fangs.
2.I learned that trapdoor spiders are very tricky.
3.I learned that trapdoor spiders lay 100 eggs at a time.
4.I learned that trapdoor spiders can live up to 2 years.
5.A trapdoor spider molts several times, especially tricky ones.
Write 6 new words you learned from this book with their definitions.
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Skin falling off body
Attack something
Place to live
Hole in the ground
Sharp teeth
Place where you cannot be seen
Would you recommend this book? Why or Why not? (complete sentences)
Yes, because it is cool to learn about trapdoor spider and how they live.
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