Sunday, December 3, 2017

California Condors

Nonfiction Book Review
Title: California Condors
Author: Meish Goldish

The book California Condors by Meish Goldish is about how the California Condors are getting to the brim of extinction and how the California Condors are saved by captive breeding.

What you already know
Write 4-5 things you already know about the topic (write in complete sentences)
1.One of the things that I already know about the        California Condors are that their wingspan is vast.
2.The next thing that I already know about the        California Condors is that they nearly got extinct.
3.I also already know that California Condors are a rare species of condors.
4.the final thing I know about California Condors is they live in California.

After Reading the book, what you learned
Write 4-5 things you learned about the topic (write in complete sentences)
  1. What I learned is that California Condors were saved by captive breeding.
  2. In a point in 1979 there were only 30 California Condors left in the wild.   
3.I learned that California Condors were around 40,000
Years ago.

4.I also learned that California Condors have a bald head to dig into meat.

Write 6 new word you learned from this book with their definitions.
Keep a egg warm for the baby to hatch.
I knew all the other words




Would you recommend this book? Why or Why not? (complete sentences)

I would recommend the book California Condors by Meish Goldish because the book has a mystery, vanishing California Condors.

Paste a picture of your book (see video):

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