The Fault In Our Stars
By John Green, the #1 author in my world
Review by, the #1 book blogger, The Luisa Dorigo and Her Teammate Jadyn Hawkins
The #1 character in the book The Fault In Our Stars (main character) is the Hazel Grace and-her-I-can't-ruin-it-for-you-because-the-book-is-really-good-person Agustus Waters. Hazel is a very intelligent, severely funny (and I mean it, I don't lie (most of the time)) teenager with cancer. This may be a down-putter because the first part was really good, but trust me, I have read this book about 1,000,000 times, when you read the book, her cancer does not make this story depressing, it just makes it sad at times, but again, read it because it is a really good, good, really good book (and while you are at it why not just read all the other John Green books, just saying!) Agustus is a complicated, sweet,funny character that you will find out about if you read the book. The only problem is both Hazel and Agustus are sick, with cancer. Will they survive? Only the book knows.