Sunday, December 3, 2017


Nonfiction Book Review
Author:Emma Helbrough

Who or what is the book about?
Bears and what they eat, where they live, do they swim, and growing up.

What you already know
Write 4-5 things you already know about the topic (write in complete sentences)
1.Mother bears usually have one or two cubs at a time or sometimes three.
2.Bears travel a long way to find food.
3.Bears are playful,some of them.
4.Bears m

After Reading the book, what you learned
Write 4-5 things you learned about the topic (write in complete sentences)
1.Cubs spend most of the time in their den sleeping and drinking milk.
2.Brown bears usually catch about 15 salmon in a day.
3.Polar bears can hold for two minutes.
4.In hot summers,black bears dive into lakes to cool off.
5.Spectacled bears live in rainforests.In the daytime,its very,very hot,so the bears just sleep.At night,when it’s cooler,they wake up and search for food.

Write 6 new word you learned from this book with their definitions.
A baby bear
The place where cubs are born and live when they are very young.
The fluffy hair all over a bear’s body that keeps it warm.
A bear’s hands and feet.
Spikes on bear’s paws,which they use for digging and climbing.
An animal that a bear has caught to eat,such as a seal.

Would you recommend this book? Why or Why not? (complete sentences)

I would recommend this book because it is about and animal that has an interesting life and how it grows up.

Paste a picture of your book (see video):

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