Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Canada Lynx

Nonfiction Book Review
Title: Canada Lynx
Author: Megan Borgert-Spaniol

Canada Lynx

What you already know
Write 4-5 things you already know about the topic (write in complete sentences)
1. Canada Lynx have long legs
2. Canada Lynx have short tails
3. Canada Lynx have large feet
4. Canada Lynx are carnivores
5. Canada Lynx’s habitats often have cold,snowy winters

After Reading the book, what you learned
Write 4-5 things you learned about the topic (write in complete sentences)
1. Canada Lynx males are slightly larger than females
2. Canada Lynx can weigh up to 44 pounds
3. Adults measure between 2.2 and 3.5 feet long
4. Canada Lynx can spot a mouse 250 feet away
5. Canada Lynx mainly hunt Snowshoe Hares

Write 6 new word you learned from this book with their definitions.
1. Tufts
Small bunches of hair
2. Bogs
Wet,spongy lands made up of dead plant material
3. Tundra
A dry land where the ground is frozen year-round



Would you recommend this book? Why or Why not? (complete sentences)

I would because it has interesting facts about Canada Lynx

Paste a picture of your book (see video):

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