Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Curious Critters

Nonfiction Book Review
Title:Curious critters
Author:David Fitzsimmons

Who or what is the book about?The book is about kinda weird animals that are interesting.

What you already know
Write 4-5 things you already know about the topic (write in complete sentences)
1.It’s about curious animals.
2.It answers why these animals do weird things.
3.It talks about things that species that have things in common.
4.Most of the animais are small that they talk about.
5.They tell a lot of facts about the animais.

After Reading the book, what you learned
Write 4-5 things you learned about the topic (write in complete sentences)
1.It sounds like the animals are telling facts about them self.
2.The animais rime about themselves.
3.It says the sound that the animal makes.
4.It shows how big the animals are.
5.It shows you pictures of the animals.

Write 6 new word you learned from this book with their definitions.
A eight legged animal.
An animal that lives in water and land.
A snake that kills its prey by squeezing.
To leave the nest after developing feathers for flight.
The larva of either a butterfly or a moth.
Active at night.

Would you recommend this book? Why or Why not? (complete sentences)

I would recommend this book because it is very interesting.

Paste a picture of your book (see video):

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