Monday, December 5, 2016

Dog Diaries: Togo

Dog Diaries: Togo
By Kate Klimo  Illustrated by Tim Jessell

Slipping through the trees dashing through the woods do you ever wonder the life of a sled dog?  Well i can tell you that but through a  dog’s own words. This is my book review for Togo by Kate Klimo.
Togo from the dog diaries series is the fourth book of the series.

Now if you're wondering what the book is like let me tell you.
Leonhard Seppla or in the book known as Sepp, is the head musher of the sled dog team. At this point Togo, the huskie, is just a little pup, but Togo wants to be in a sled dog team. Togo loves Sepp and he always wants to be around him. By the age of eight months Togo joins the team.

First, Togo starts out as a wheel dog which provides power to the team. Then Togo moves up the line and becomes a swing dog.  The swing dogs listen for clues and signals from the musher. Finally Togo got moved up to the front of the line. The dogs in the front of the line are called lead dogs.  The lead dogs shift in tracks to help the team turn sharp turns.  They also look out for objects and guide the other dogs through narrow pathways.

I would recommend this book for people who like or are inserted in adventure books. The age limit i would say is nine and up.

I would rate this book five out of five stars because at the end of the book the author left me on a cliffhanger. I think the author wants the reader to visualize what happens next. I liked how the book also uses many abstract words which can help the reader visualize a picture.

Now I am not going to spoil any more of the book so you can go read it on your own.    

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