Monday, December 5, 2016



This book is called FEARLESS by Elvira Woodruff lighthouses still guid ships today but have you ever wondered what the first one looked like in 1702?

The book is about a 11 year old boy named Digory, he lives with his aunt who is very poor in his aunt’s very small cottage there is 12 kids in there including Digory and his 9 year old brother Cubby. When they receive news that their father’s ship shipwrecked Digory adventures from the town Mouse Hole where his aunt lives all the way to Plymouth to find his father, his father’s ship was called the flying cloud and it wrecked near Plymouth.

I like how you can just picture what is happening in your head and I also like how it sounds like it is actually happening. I would give it a four and a half star but recommend it to  older kids for how long it is and because it can be hard to understand cause several events can be happening at once so they can’t describe everything.

I really like this book and I think kids should read it to learn about the first lighthouse.

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